Ta Wee
Champion Sprinter 1969, Champion Sprinter 1970
Ta Wee's Race Record
Year |
Starts |
Wins |
Seconds |
Thirds |
Earnings |
Lifetime |
21 |
15 |
2 |
1 |
$284,941 |
Ta Wee, 1966 dark bay filly
Intentionally |
Intent |
War Relic |
Man o' War |
Friar's Carse |
Liz F. |
Bubbling Over |
Weno |
My Recipe |
Discovery |
Display |
Ariadne |
Perlette |
Percentage |
Escarpolette |
Aspidistra |
Better Self |
Bimelech |
Black Toney |
La Troienne |
Bee Mac |
War Admiral |
Baba Kenny |
Tilly Rose |
Bull Briar |
Bull Dog |
Rose Eternal |
Tilly Kate |
Draymont |
Teak |

Recommended titles include: Champions from the Daily Racing Form, Thoroughbred Champions: Top 100 of the 20th Century
from Blood-Horse, and Man O' War: Thoroughbred Legends #1 by Edward L. Bowen, as well as Seabiscuit on DVD .

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