- a Mule is a hybrid, rather than a species
- a mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse
- mules are usually sterile, but there have been a couple of rare cases in which a mare mule produced a foal
- mules have 63 chromosomes; horses have 64 and donkeys have 62
- a hinny is the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey (jennet)
- a female mule is called a mare or molly mules
- a male mule is called a horse or john mule
- in 1787 the Marquis de Lafayette gave George Washington a donkey jack for mule production; named Knight of Malta, he was the first notable donkey to be imported
- Royal Gift, given by the King of Spain, was the second donkey of quality to be imported
- the U.S. army used mules extensively up to 1957
- mules are now popular pack and trail riding animals, and are also shown in many disciplines
- mules may be any color or conformation type, as inherited from the dam
- American Donkey and Mule Society
- the largest donkey breed is the Mammouth
- the Sicilian, or miniature, donkey is the smallest