Basic Horsemanship
Equine Management Facilities
- facilities used for horses must be designed with the
horse's safety in mind
- most accidents are caused by poor planning or neglect to
repair facilities
- this is the textbook answer
- I once found a boarder's gelding with a hind leg caught in a tree
- sometimes you just can't outplan the accident prone!
- three major factors to consider when building a horse
farm are: cost, flexibility, and accessibility
- when considering cost, it should be remembered that well
planned and well built facilities will be cheaper to run
in the long run; durability and efficient setup for
future, expensive labor should be considered
- good pasture is extremely important to the success of a
- good pasture should provide:
- high quality forages
- shade
- safe fencing
- adequate acreage
- rounded corners in fences prevent excited horses from
running into the fence by making them turn before the end
of a fence
- a good fence should have strength, height, and tightness
- it used to be said that a good fence was strong enough to
hold a bull, tight enough to hold a hog, and high enough
to hold a horse (although nothing holds a goat)
- According to The Horse by Harold Hintz et al., fence
posts should be 7 1/2 to 8 feet long and set 3 feet into
the ground, corner posts should set 4 feet in the ground,
and the two best types of wood are cedar and locust
- board fences are rugged, easily seen by running horses,
and are considered the safest, most attractive type of
fencing, but they are expensive, often chewed, & may rot
- According to The Horse by Harold Hintz et al., board
fences should be made of 1 X 6 inch boards and the posts
should be no more than 8 feet apart
- a four board fence, with the top board 48
- 53 inches high
and the bottom board 5
- 6 inches high is best
- board fences should be painted with lead free paint or
treated with creosote to prevent rotting
- post and rail fences are attractive and resist chewing,
but are expensive and tend to break faster than boards
- wire fences are cheaper and easier to build but lack
safety of board fences
- barbed wire is not correct to be used as a horse fence
- woven wire, with a board at top, is safer than plain wire
and cheaper than a board fence
- the best type of wire to use for horses is four strand
twisted barbless wire, but something must be done to
increase visibility, such as attaching flags to the fence
every few feet
- pipe fencing is strong and safe, but cost varies in
different regions
- chain link fences are strong and safe, but the top should
be protected so that ends are not exposed, and kicking
can cause it to stretch
- rubber-nylon fencing is attractive and safe, and is
gaining popularity; check the advertisers index of Equus
for latest developments in synthetic fencing
- you are more than welcome to read ads in any magazine, but 4-H lists Equus as an official source
- electric fences may be used alone, in a three or four
strand fence, or in conjunction with another type of
- electric fences will short out frequently in wet weather
- electric fences placed inside of board fences help keep
horses from damaging the fences
- gates should never be lower than the rest of the fence,
as this may encourage a horse to jump the gate
- filling the gate area with sand or gravel will prevent
the gate area from becoming a mud hole from frequent use
- gates may be made of heavy wood, such as oak, or of
welded iron or pipe (design should not allow a horse to
get a foot through it)
- galvanized iron and aluminum gates are light but easily
- the gate latch should be easy to use but not so easy that
the horses can open it; a chain with a snap works well
- stables should be located near the center of the horse
farm, so that pasture and paddock fences will prevent a
loose horse from getting out to a main road
- important considerations in building a barn include
ventilation, fire resistance, safety, durability, ease in
feeding and cleaning, and flexibility of design
- open access housing has many advantages:
- good ventilation
- no daily stall cleaning
- improved mental state
- lessens threat of fire
- disadvantages include shaggier coats and lack of
convenience in showing sale horses to customers or
feeding grain
- open sheds should:
- face away from prevailing winds
- face south in northern regions
- minimum 75 square feet per horse
- opening should be 10 feet high
- roof should slope away from entrance
- steel or aluminum roofs should be insulated to reduce
noise during rain, else the horses may choose to brave
the weather rather than the loud noise of pounding rain
- climate depending, mineral feeders may be placed outside
or on the back wall of the shed; hay mangers and waterers
are usually outside
- method of feeding grain varies greatly with individual
- conventional stalls allow for individual attention and
are more convenient for many professional farms
- a box stall should be at least 12 feet x 12 feet
- stall walls may be made of wood, concrete, cinderblock,
steel, chain link fence
- the ideal stall has a solid division five feet high, will
some sort of screening such as chain link extending
either an additional three or four feet or to the ceiling
- some stalls, such as foaling stalls, should be closed off
completely, but most stalls should be partially open so
horses can socialize, and to increase ventilation
- windows should always be screened to prevent horses from
investigating broken glass. and should never open inward
- aisle floors should be easy to sweep, durable, and
provide good footing; rubber flooring is currently
gaining popularity
- stall floors may be made of many materials, with clay
being the most popular
- other flooring material includes wood (expensive and hard
to clean), concrete (hard, slippery, and cold), and
synthetic flooring (expensive)
- tie stalls are most commonly used for draft horses, or in
temporary housing
- foaling stalls should be large, easy to clean, and well
Misc. Basics
- the horse's left side is his near side
- the horse's right side is his off side
- horses are led and mounted from the near side
- a hunter's braids fall to the off side
- horses are measured in hands, and at the withers
- a hand equals four inches or ten centimeters
- the height limit for ponies is 14.2 hands, or 58 inches
- the height limit for miniatures is 34 inches (AMHA) or 38 inches (AMHR)
- the three main styles of equitation riding are huntseat,
saddleseat, and stockseat (western)
- the style of riding in which the reins are held in one
hand is western
- when riding, boots and a hard hat should always be worn
- to turn a horse out, lead him through the gate, turn him
to face the gate, and release him while stepping out of
the pasture and shutting the gate
- always approach a horse from the left side
- when walking behind a horse, always let him know you are
there by talking to him patting him, and pulling his tail
as you pass behind him